Seamless Cloud Transitions

API enabled applications provide for a seamless transition to the cloud

Transitioning to the cloud can be a daunting task for many companies. However, the right API enablement solution can make the process smoother and more accessible. Strategic implementation of layers of APIs to access our legacy data is the first step. This strategy can speed the shift to the cloud without replicating the complexity in your on-premise data center. This can save your company time, money, and resources while ensuring a successful transition to the cloud.

In reality, it is often difficult, if not close to impossible, to retrofit all applications that require access to legacy systems to utilize a new API layer. Suppose the system in question has current applications that access the data directly. In that case, there is often a plan to replicate a portion of the legacy system data into a data mart. The data mart can be refreshed with data on a regular schedule as dictated by the needs of existing applications.

Retrofitting existing applications to utilize the new data mart can be the first step in allowing for migrations of systems to the cloud without replicating all sorts of specialty connections and port allowances.

API Enable Legacy Systems

Access to legacy system data is the most challenging aspect of an API Enablement Plan. Each system requires a tailored plan to ensure success. However, in most cases, specific patterns can be followed to access the necessary data. The speed of the design and implementation process can be influenced by several factors, such as the level of knowledge of the system’s data, the availability of data schema documentation, and the system’s location, whether on-premises or in a remote data center.

Careful planning is required before prioritization of projects can begin. The application that should be tackled first may not be what you intuitively believe. YTGI will analyze the target applications with an eye for looking for dependencies. It’s frequently necessary to tackle the dependencies first before the main application. Failure to do this planning is why enablement projects suddenly stall right when it appears that the project should be coming to an end!

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Jack Yasgar
Jack Yasgar’s career as a software engineer and architect spans more than two decades. Specializing in software integration projects.